Freelance Service Provider Tips
Tips for New Freelancers
With the advent of internet, services are provided from everywhere in the world. Many Portals provide platform for the job providers to locate providers of services. The job providers should post the requirements of the job to allow service providers to bid for the job. Service providers qualified to bid for the job post the expertise and the bid amount and compete with other providers to win the job.
New service providers with no feedback record can bid for projects with TRIAL icon next to the listing. The TRIAL projects can be bid exclusively by new service providers. When selecting a suitable project posted, the employer’s profile and feedback has to be analyzed. Seasoned job providers write detailed profile information to make the service providers understand about the job provider. In case the profile of the job provider does not have enough information, either the job provider may be new or he does not want to reveal his identity.
If the job provider has a positive feedback, it is a clear indication that he has handled the service provider well. Because the profile is written by the job provider which is not a sure pointer as to how good the job provider is whereas feedback from service providers can be relied upon. It is better to know the maximum about the job provider before entering into any contract with a job provider.
As freelancers across globe compete for jobs hundreds of bids are viewed by the job provider. To stay ahead of the competition, the bid has be unique and concise to get attracted by the buyer. The details of the projects have to be read carefully before bidding. This enables the freelancer to understand the project fully to decide about the time required to complete the job and to bid the appropriate amount for the job. Some buyers include a sentence or phrase in the description and ask the bidders to mention it in the bids. This is to make sure that the project description is read completely. Mention the statement request of the job providers without fail to communicate to the job provider you understand his requirements and can adhere to instructions.
When a freelancer has doubts about a project he or she has to clarify with the buyer using Project Clarification Board to understanding the project better. A job can be completed well only if it is understood well without assumptions.
The bid is provided precisely in clear terms and specific to the point based upon the project details. The bid has to mention exactly what will be provided by the freelancer, how much time is needed for the job and the money required. Unnecessary and long descriptions should not be used as it can create a negative impact and irritate the buyer who reads hundreds of bids. It is better to check whether all the necessary details are provided in the bid. If more clarifications are needed at this stage, the buyer can be asked questions through Project Clarification Board.
Along with the private message board communications samples can be attached or website links of sample work can be provided for the buyer. The samples provided have to be appropriate for the job or project. It is better to have copyright or water mark or other mark of identification on the samples for protection.
Price charged should be competitive but it need not be the lowest of prices. Remember, as you bid for global market, the bid is going to be for a tight competition. If special skills are involved for the project charging higher is justifiable. As a new service provider charging less is fine to enable establish oneself in the freelance market. Your skill claims can be mentioned as it is to get projects. Hype and over the top claims have to be refrained when bidding for projects. The bid has to be spell checked, and checked for grammar. The bid has to be checked for all the necessary details; written content and checked whether samples are attached.
When ready to accept a project awarded, go through the details of project once again carefully. If any clarification is needed, communicate it to the employer to resolve issues to commit for the project. Accept a project only after understanding fully what it is, otherwise leave the project.
For large scale projects, the service buyer may agree for milestone payments with portions of payment released as schedules are completed in segments. It is common to receive upfront payment on large scale projects but it cannot be expected by new service providers without feedback. Both job providers and service providers can opt for uFathom Milestone Payment service for protection.
As a new freelance service provider build your reputation from positive feedback from job providers. The employers whose job had been done well would provide positive feedback to the freelancers. You will get feedback only if you get paid through uFathom.
uFathom always aim to encourage new freelance service providers and provides all the help to build and grow their business successfully in a safe and secure environment.